AVM Hawkins, Impetus at Mid Main Gallery


Through her solo exhibition Impetus, AVM internally explores her purpose as an artist, as well as the mysterious force that compels creativity and its necessity to be released into physical form—a story told through a compilation of paintings created from 2019 to 2021.

Impetus delves into the epic, esoteric question every human being asks themselves: “What is my purpose?” For many years, AVM grappled with finding the answer to this question until July 2017, when she decided to pursue art as her main focus—in any way possible. Two years later, AVM left the practice of law to paint full-time.

The years 2018 to 2021 were deeply significant, during which AVM painted prolifically. Within that short period, she participated in two art residencies—one in 2018 and another in 2021 at John Palmer Art Gallery—and exhibited three solo exhibitions.

Impetus showcases AVM’s quintessential works, which have signaled her continual artistic evolution while highlighting her core competencies: the use of color, negative space, and the ability to balance complexity and simplicity.

Virtual Tour | Mid Main Gallery, Houston, Texas

All of my art is the residue of emotional energy, channeled into physical form. With Impetus, the art demonstrates the final results of this alchemic process. My need to create is insatiable—and necessary. I become irritated and sad if I haven’t created in a long time.

An invisible energy accumulates in my body over time. If I don’t release it constructively through art, it remains stagnant, eventually decaying. But when I channel this energy through painting, poetry, or journaling, it regenerates, recycles, and overflows.

Bold & Beautiful, AVM Hawkins 78 (H) x 58 (W) inches, Acrylic, Oil Pastels on Canvas.

I cannot precisely describe what moves me to create—but I must. Impetus is an obsession born from an impulsive excitement and a desire to explore, experiment, and evolve through self-expression. This force not only calls me to be a conduit for creation but demands it. Even after years of following a different path, suppressing its voice, and enduring self-denial, Impetus remains and continues to beckon. To acquiesce to its will is the greatest gift I could ever receive—and give.

In Private Collections

AVM Hawkins (b. 1985, New Orleans) is an American contemporary fine artist of Creole descent, based in Houston, Texas. An abstract expressionist, she intuitively uses color, contrast, and movement to evoke emotion while incorporating mixed materials, layered paint, and spontaneous verbiage to draw the viewer deeper into her work. AVM seamlessly blends freehand patterns with fluid, gestural improvisations, bridging the worlds of form and abstraction to create space for exploration and fortuity.

Price sheet for Impetus, available upon request.

To request price sheet, email AVM at AVMHawkinsArt@gmail.com.